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2023 IAAO Annual Conference: Virginia Cup Award

IAAO Awards

International Association of Assessing Officers takes pride in recognizing individual and organizational achievements in the assessment industry. Through IAAO's annual awards program both members and non-members can receive international recognition for excellence in property appraisal, assessment administration, and property tax policy. Qualifying assessment jurisdictions are encouraged to apply for IAAO's Certificate of Excellence in Assessment Administration.


IAAO's annual awards program boasts twenty award categories recognizing individual and organizational achievements in several areas including publications, technical expertise, and service to IAAO, just to name a few. Nominations are accepted at the beginning of each year through May 1. Award recipients are recognized at the IAAO Annual Conference. The annual awards program is a highly visible event for IAAO members, and all IAAO members and affiliated organizations are encouraged to submit nominations.


FCIAAO is proud to celebrate our members and their jurisdictions, click the links below to view their accomplishments.

Chapter/Organizational Awards

Jurisdictional Certificates

Jurisdictional Awards

Individual Awards

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